Teacher Version

Line Track Challenge Rules
In this challenge, you will program your EV3 robot to grab a colored crate from the pickup spot, follow the line track, and drop the crate off in the drop-off zone.
Pick up the colored crate from the pickup zone. Then, follow the line and drop the crate into the drop-off zone.
Rules and Procedures:
- Build the course shown above using black electrical tape on a light surface.
- The robot must pick up the box using its arm, then follow the line to the drop-off point, and release the box there.
- Program your robot to deliver the box in the shortest time possible!
- You can use a RepeatUntil Loop Block to adjust when a Line Track behavior changes. The program will then run whatever comes next, even another line tracking behavior.
- Use multiple line tracks with different sharpness, one after another, to help track parts of the board.
- Adjust the sharpness of the robot’s motions using the Steering slider on the Move Steering Block.
- You might want to track the right side of the line in some places. To get to the right edge of the line, which direction should the robot go when it detects black? Which direction should it go to get back after it drives off?